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Bug or Feature?

Q: What’s the difference between a Bug and a Feature? 
A: Whether your input supports it. 

We normally think of a “bug” as something we don’t want; like a broken link or an error message. However, a “bug” (in the non-biological sense) is when your outputs don’t match the inputs.

But what about when your outputs are exactly what the inputs should produce, and you just aren’t happy with it?

Your current systems are perfect for producing your current results.
Whether you like them or not.

If you’re unhappy, you could call it a “bug”, blame it on a glitch or something else. But I’d encourage you to look at your inputs. Maybe the thing you don’t like is actually a feature.

A sick, sluggish body is the feature of a poor diet; not the bug.
Poor sleep is the feature of a bad mattress; not the bug.

Actionable Question:  What features do you want to eliminate?

Have a great week,
Andrew Nemeth