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Pruning and Sabbath 

Q: How can I produce more? 
A: Do less.

I am not a gardener. But I do have a few tomato plants in a raised bed in the back yard. One of the things I’m surprised by every year is how necessary it is to prune. 

I work to give plants the water and care they need because I want them to grow and produce as much as possible. It’s counter-intuitive to remove branches that could produce fruit. 

But hundreds of generations have tested and demonstrated that the best way to produce more is with pruning. 

The same is true in our lives. We aren’t designed to run non-stop. It’s counter-intuitive, but we can become more productive with proper pruning. 

Actionable Question:  What’s something I should prune out of my life?  

Have a great week,
Andrew Nemeth