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Buying Time Without Money

Q: How do I buy back my time without spending money? 
A: Say “No”.

Obviously you can pay the handyman to fix something broken around the house, or pay a landscaper to care for the yard; you can spend money to buy back your time. 

But there’s another way to “buy” back your time without spending any money: saying “No”.  Declining an invite to grab coffee might “buy” the time you wanted to spend on your hobby. Passing on job opportunity might afford you more time with your family. 

People often think that “No” is bad or limiting; but it’s actually the best way to safeguard what’s valuable to you. 

“The more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it becomes to say no to the requests that steal your hours.”

James Clear

Actionable Question:  What should I say “No” to?

Have a great week,
Andrew Nemeth