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Q: What’s so bad about binging-tv and door-dash? 
A: It erodes away the strength of our communities.

Here’s an excerpt from (at the time) President-Elect JFK in the 12/26/1960 edition of Sport’s Illustrated:

Of course, modern advances and increasing leisure can add greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of life. But they must not be confused with indolence, with, in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “slothful-ease,” with an increasing deterioration of our physical strength. For the strength of our youth and the fitness of our adults are among our most important assets, and this growing decline is a matter of urgent concern to thoughtful Americans.

-J. F. Kennedy

We should rest, and rest well. But we shouldn’t confuse rest with indolence (a fancy word for laziness). There are forms of exertion that can be very restful: hiking, snowboarding, dancing, etc. We should remember those, and other activities like them, at the end of a hard week.

Actionable Question:  What is an active-rest activity that you would enjoy? 

Relax well,
Andrew Nemeth